Radio Lollipop 2022

Swan Transit bus drivers got creative on their routes around Perth last Wednesday for the 27th annual Radio Lollipop fundraising event in which they got dressed up to raise funds for children in hospital.

Swan Transit drivers get behind the event every year turning into superheroes, wizards, flowers, princesses, brides and any number of characters to bring smiles to their patrons and awareness to Radio Lollipop - which is about lots of love and laughter in place of pain and to raise money for supporting sick children in hospital

According to Radio Lollipop one in every four children will have a stint in hospital before they even reach the age of 14 and created the program to simply bring a smile to their faces whilst they are admitted.

The international children’s charity aims to give young patients a voice and a choice during their stay.

Radio Lollipop explains that while kids can’t say no to taking their medicine or receiving treatment, through their program, they can request their favourite songs, win prizes and hear their own voices on the radio.

"If our team can help make a difference by being uniform free for one day each year, we’re definitely onboard," said Balkin. 


The future has arrived – Hydrogen Buses


#thanksdriver Campaign – Swan Transit